What are the Exports in my UNI-Cloud and what can I do with it?
You might have seen the “Exports” counter that is visible in your dashboard in the UNI-Cloud. To see this counter, you need to be logged into the UNI-Cloud with your credentials, you can log in via https://cloud.marxact.com. If you want to see all your current exports, you click "Exports" on the left side, and choose Uni-Connect or UNI-Cloud (depending where they came from). In the new screen, you see all the current files that are currently exported from the UNI-Connect survey tool to the UNI-Cloud, or from UNI-Cloud itself. If you do not know how to export your project to the UNI-Cloud, please read our article: How can I export DXF/CSV files to my desktop computer?
When you have the exports in front of you, you can download or delete the file.
By pressing on the red Trash can button, you delete the file only from the UNI-Cloud. Projects in UNI-Connect and UNI-Cloud will not be affected by deleting anything in the UNI-Cloud exports.
If you press on the green Download button, you download the file to the device you are currently using.