What is the difference between my solution and my position?

You might have noticed two boxes on the dashboard of UNI-Connect, both share different information about the Solution and the Positioning mode. While they seem similar, they mean something else.

The positioning mode refers to how the UNI-GRx is set up to calculate it’s position. You can change this mode in the “Profile” settings of your UNI-Connect. The solution part is something you can’t set, but rather the result of the set position mode.

The solution

The solution status tells you something about the way of translating the signals received from the reference stations at that moment. When you have a float solution, the UNI-GRx is still waiting to provide you with a solid fixed solution. The float solution will always be less accurate than the fixed one, and the single solution will be less accurate than the float one. Read our article: What is the difference between a fix and float? to learn more about the differences between float and fixed solutions. The age indicates how old your position solution is.

The position

The position tells you about how you get a position from the satellites. This can be Standalone (single-point positioning), Differential positioning (DGPS), or with Real-time Kinematics (RTK). These methods are different in how they generate the position. The standalone method doesn’t use the advantage of correction data received from reference stations. Differential positioning and RTK are improved standalone positioning techniques and are based on applying corrections to distances measured from other base-stations. The UNI-GRx works best and centimetre accurate with RTK corrections.

The UNI-RTK Premium gives you corrections from a nearby virtual base station, calculated using more than 2000 physical base stations to provide centimetre accuracy with RTK corrections.

To switch between modes, select the desired one within the location profile settings in UNI-Connect.

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