Which NMEA messages does the UNI-GRx support?

For now, the UNI-GRx supports the following messages:

Message Function
GGA Time, position, and fix related data
GSA GPS DOP and active satellites
GST Position error statistics
GSV Number of SVs in view, PRN, elevation, azimuth, and SNR
HDT Heading from True North
RMC Position, Velocity, and Time
VTG Actual track made good and speed over ground
ZDA UTC day, month, year, and local time zone offset

This data can be sent at 1Hertz, 2Hertz, 5Hertz,10Hertz, and 20Hertz just as seen below:

You can set these settings within UNI-Connect -> Profile. It will become available once you select Bluetooth, Serial or Micro-USB as a position output method.

Check out more about the different position outputs here.

Want to know more about surveying with the UNI-GR2 as part of the UNI-Complete package? Click here

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