How do I make my profile in UNI-Cloud?
You see the list with all the current profiles on the tenant and its information under the tab “Profiles”. You search for profiles by filtering the profile. Please read our article “What do I find under Profile” to see what options you have. If you press the “+” button, you can make a new profile. The steps for making a new profile look like the pictures shown below:
Set the name for the profile and description. Select if you want to use a rover or base, choose rover if you want to survey points or lines.
Choose the preferred correction settings. When you choose RTK, you will have centimetre accuracy. For this, you have to fill in the NTRIP settings in order to provide you with centimetre accuracy. Your NTRIP credentials are on the invoice of the ordered UNI-Complete or UNI-RTK Premium.
Select the output mode you like. For example, NMEA messagses and press save. Press here for a list of all the NMEA messages the UNI supports.